vendredi 8 juin 2012

Depressive Phase and Nine Inch Nails, a quick and badly drawn cartoon

Thanks to Alex Bertram-Powell for reminding me of this cartoon

And here's the most depressive piece of music I've ever listened to

Have a good week-end anyway
And don't forget to eat your daily Ben & Jerry dose to stay healthy!


mercredi 6 juin 2012

Early typographic tests and friend failure, a sad story

Once, when I was a teenager, my best friend who was playing in a hard-rock band asked me if I could draw a logo for the group.
It took me about a week of intensive brainstorming, but finally I came up with something I thought was valuable.
When all excited I showed them the drawing the next week, they looked at the paper with disbelief and started to laugh. My friend was laughing too and also looking at me with disappointment. I'll never forget that look on his face.
That was my first memory of artistic fail and it hurted a lot. I decided I wouldn't do any handlettering anymore. Ever.
But lately the need to do it again was too important to just turn away from it. It was hard to produce something because I've been drawing with that unpleasant hollow in the stomach. But finally I managed to do it without feeling too miserable.
Thanks schmuck.

lundi 4 juin 2012


And the space exploration continues...
No wonder why the fresh newborns look like old travelers.