lundi 21 décembre 2009

Désolée de ne pas poster plus...

....on est fort fort occupés!

A se détendre après le marché de Noël!

samedi 12 décembre 2009

Plus d'updates...

....depuis un certain temps, je suis fort occupée à préparer mon ptit marché de Noël!

Busy working on my very first christmas market, sorry for the lack of updates...wish me luck!

mardi 1 décembre 2009

Ain't a photographer....

....But I wanted to share this picture with you.
Have you ever felt that the sky's the limit?
That, above the mass of rainy clouds there's something near what some can call heaven?
Well, after a lot of work and sacrifices I feel I'm approaching it.
My hopes may be too high, perhaps I'm dreaming.
But now I just don't want to just touch it with one finger before it's taken away.
I will do all I can, but I'll grab it and keep it this time.
And then, even the sky won't be the limit.